Sunday 10 April 2011

Final Music Magazine.


Photoshop Tools Used

The main software I used to create my final media music magazine was Adobe Photoshop. For my preliminary task I only used Photoshop briefly and did not take full advantage of its tools and because of this I encountered many problems while creating the final music magazine as I did not know how to use certain tools and what many of the tools on Photoshop were used for. However, after mastering a few of the tools I was able to use them throughout my final music magazine on the Front cover, Contents page and Double Spread page.

Process of BEATS Magazine- Front Cover

The image below shows the various stages of how I created my final magazine front cover.

Friday 8 April 2011

Process of BEATS Magazine- Contents Page

The image below shows the stages of creating the Contents pages for my music magazine.

Edited Magazine Images

I have manipulated the images I took for my model that I was using on my magazine using the software Photo-shop and Picasa.